Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de turn

to turngirar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I turnyo giro
you turntú giras
he turnsél gira
she turnsella gira
we turnnosotros giramos
you turnvosotros giráis
they turnellos giran
they turnellas giran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I turnedyo giré
you turnedtú giraste
he turnedél giró
she turnedella giró
we turnednosotros giramos
you turnedvosotros girasteis
they turnedellos giraron
they turnedellas giraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have turnedyo he girado
you have turnedtú has girado
he has turnedél ha girado
she has turnedella ha girado
we have turnednosotros hemos girado
you have turnedvosotros habéis girado
they have turnedellos han girado
they have turnedellas han girado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had turnedyo había girado
you had turnedtú habías girado
he had turnedél había girado
she had turnedella había girado
we had turnednosotros habíamos girado
you had turnedvosotros habíais girado
they had turnedellos habían girado
they had turnedellas habían girado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will turnyo giraré
you will turntú girarás
he will turnél girará
she will turnella girará
we will turnnosotros giraremos
you will turnvosotros giraréis
they will turnellos girarán
they will turnellas girarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have turnedyo habré girado
you will have turnedtú habrás girado
he will have turnedél habrá girado
she will have turnedella habrá girado
we will have turnednosotros habremos girado
you will have turnedvosotros habréis girado
they will have turnedellos habrán girado
they will have turnedellas habrán girado

I would turnyo giraría
you would turntú girarías
he would turnél giraría
she would turnella giraría
we would turnnosotros giraríamos
you would turnvosotros giraríais
they would turnellos girarían
they would turnellas girarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have turnedyo habría girado
you would have turnedtú habrías girado
he would have turnedél habría girado
she would have turnedella habría girado
we would have turnednosotros habríamos girado
you would have turnedvosotros habríais girado
they would have turnedellos habrían girado
they would have turnedellas habrían girado

Participio presenteAnotado
turning girando

Participio pasadoAnotado
turned girado

Más verbos

Aprenda esto con
Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
Invertir P/R